Written by J.K. Rowling
A book for readers in grades 4 and up reviewed by Bella
When Harry, Hermione, and Ron try to figure out what is causing incidents at Hogwarts, they begin to uncover more about the past. Harry, Hermione, and Ron then start searching for the Chamber of Secrets, a place nobody has ever been able to find.
Hands down, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets has to be one of my favorite Harry Potter books. As a Slytherin myself, I love the storyline of this book, since it surrounds the Slytherin House and the secrets behind it.
Harry Potter and the Chambers of Secrets is a book made by J.K Rowling that is the second installment to the Harry Potter book series. This is my favorite book so far and I really enjoyed reading it. The book was filled with suspense and has a lot of action which is more than the first book, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Reading each chapter was a thrilling and exhilarating experience. It was hard to put down the book and to stop reading. The story has elements of suspense, thriller, mystery, and adventure. I highly recommend this book and the entire series for anyone.